Wednesday, August 6, 2008


. . .for various reasons that I will discuss later, I have decided to move to another web site. The new site will give me more flexibility, and will be my very own blog. I'm still going to post lots of pictures of the Class of 2008, Europe, silly time wasting items, useful information, and things that I find interesting. It will have a new name. . .more for myself. . .than specifically for my past students.

I hope you will continue to follow my adventures, because I have found that I LOVE TO BLOG. Writing daily has become a big part of my life lately, and that's thanks to the Class of 2008.

This site will still be on-line, but new entries will be at my new web address.

So click on the link, and don't forget to check back often, because every day there will be at least one new entry.


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