Tuesday, July 29, 2008


. . .The earthquake in Los Angeles. According to reports, it was the strongest earthquake to strike a populated are in Southern California in more than a decade. Late this morning the 5.4-magnitude quake — considered moderate — was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego, and as far east as Las Vegas, 230 miles away. Nearly 30 aftershocks quickly followed, the largest estimated at 3.8.

The quake was centered 29 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles near Chino Hills, a San Bernardino County city of 80,000 built mostly in the early 1990s with the latest in earthquake-resistant technology.

My daughter, who works in Washington, D.C., heard about the quake and immediately called to see if I was ok. I had just gotten out of the shower and was blowing my hair dry when the quake occurred, so I didn't feel a thing. I was totally clueless when she called.

Just when people forget that California has the potential for a really big quake, there's a reminder like today to be prepared. I guess Crawford will be doing a duck-and-cover drill sometime in the fall. Aren't you lucky that you won't be there to crawl under those little tables?

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