Monday, July 7, 2008


Because I have a flight to catch at 7:15 A.M., at London Heathrow, and my taxi is coming to pick me up at 3:20 A.M., I decided to stay up all night. What is the point of going to sleep for only a few hours????? So, I went to see the movie HANCOCK, at a theater just down the street from my hotel. I don't go to the movies very often but something about the movie poster made me think that it just might be a good movie. And surprisingly enough, it was! Will Smith was great. . .and when the movie comes out in DVD, I will definitely be showing it during Saturday School.
What wasn't so great was the price. If you think that it's expensive to go to a movie, then don't go to see one in London. The price of a ticket, large box of popcorn, and a medium drink was over $32.00!!!!

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